Friday, October 24, 2014

The Fight Against Ebola Documentary

This is a documentary related to one of my previous post that I found while searching around the internet. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Macerudet - Water and Sanitation Project

Hello All!

Quick update. I've recently been accepted to volunteer for the Macerudet - Water & Sanitation Project. It is a program designed to increased the access of safe drinking water and improve the sanitation facilities in the Masulita province of Uganda. For the country of Uganda, there are only 72% of people that can access improved drinking water sources. Also, only 34% of people in Uganda use improved sanitation facilities ("Statistics," 2010). Unfortunately, isolated rural areas such as Masulita have even lower numbers. This lack of water and sanitation infrastructure has a major impact on the health of this population with higher risk of developing candidiasis and/or other waterborne illness. Personally, my role is to help research funding sources towards this project. If anyone is interested in helping with this search or would like more information you may contact me.

"The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others."
-Alber Schweitzer, M.D


Statistics. (2010, January 1). Retrieved October 24, 2014, from

Ebola Concerns

Many individuals in the U.S have become either skeptical or frightened of the recent Ebola epidemic. Here are some brief facts and information on the current situation of this disease:

Ebola Virus Scanning Electron Microscope Image
(Credit: Paul Bates, PhD, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine)

1. Ebola DOES exist.
  • During past outbreaks of EVD such as in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Case fatality rates ranged from 25-90%("Who," 2014).
  • 9,936 confirmed, probable and suspected cases of Ebola within 5 countries as of October 19, 2014.
2. Origin.
  • The disease first appeared to researchers during 1976 when there were two simultaneous outbreaks in Nzara, Sudan and Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • The disease takes its name from a village near the Ebola River.

3. Transmission of Ebola.
  • Direct contact with body fluids or blood (entry way: mucous membranes or broken skin).
  • Indirect contact with environments that contain contaminated fluids. 
4. Threat to the U.S.
  • According to infectious disease specialist and deputy physician-in-chief at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, Kent Sepkowitz,"the health care infrastructure of the U.S is efficient enough to contain the Ebola outbreak to occasional cases."
5. U.N Response to the Disease.
  • Designed 5 aims towards global response of EVD:
  1. Stop the outbreak
  2. Treat the infected
  3. Ensure essential services
  4. Preserve stability
  5. Prevent further outbreaks
*If there are any questions or concerns about the increased incidence of Ebola I would suggest either contacting myself or clicking this link below to possibly answer some questions.*


Why Ebola Is Not A Threat To The U.S. (2014, October 4). Retrieved October 23, 2014, from       

Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever. (2014, October 21). Retrieved October 23, 2014, from 

United Nations, UN, ebola, crisis, response, 2014. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2014, from 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Welcome everyone! My name is Drennon "Kris" Leverette and I have decided to start a blog on my passion. Healthcare! I hope you enjoy and send any comments and suggestions if you'd like. You can follow me or add me on LinkedIn.